Yearly Archives - 2012

Creating a Trade Plan

Any any trader knows, sometimes the hardest part is creating a plan and then sticking to it. Well, the Acme Trade Planning Pack makes that a fair bit easier. Or at least the creation part. Sticking to it is completely up to you...


Tick by Tick Volume Analysis – Parts 1, 2 & 3

Part 3 So here it is. I think that trade effectively, consistently and profitably you have to really know your instrument. Intimately. Personally. Like a spouse, sibling or best friend. If you don't have this familiarity, you won't have the instinct or intuition needed to act when you should or to sit tight...


Saving and Loading Acme Chart Templates

Who doesn't want to save time? And saving time is why the Acme chart template library was created. While it's probably clear that using the templates can get you started with the Acme suite quickly, it may not be so obvious how to download, save and then use them in...